About CAS2030
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About Us

The Civil Society Advance Forum on Sustainable Development (CAS2030) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan, national platform and alliance of Civil Society organizations working towards the achievement of the SDGs and the agenda 2030 in Nigeria. The alliance has membership strength of over 2000 NGOs across the 36 states in Nigeria. And it’s a member of the National Civil Society Strategy Group ( CSOSG) currently serving in the exco.
When was our organization formed?
The Alliance was formed on 1st of August, 2017, duly registered with corporate Affairs Commission reg. No. CAC/IT/NO. 102044
WHo started OUR ORGANIZATION anD why?

A group of Civil Society organizations from across Nigeria came together to form an alliance for the monitoring and implementation of the SDGs. The High Level Political Forum on SDGs held in New York, July 2017 revealed the need for a more engaging and inclusive platform for CSOs in Nigeria to engage the sustainable development agenda. During the course of the HLPF 2017, CSOs committed themselves to undertaking actions that have the potential to shape the future of people through the implementation of the SDGs. While there are mixed views in civil society about whether the 2030 development agenda can deliver on ending poverty, ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition, ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being, promoting gender equality, ensuring environmental sustainability among other things, it was unanimously resolved that civil society needs to play an active role in keeping the spotlight on these commitments, working on implementation, and holding the leaders accountable for the actualization of the goals. While our process of mobilization has revealed widespread enthusiasm, It was felt that a new national platform is critical to achieving added value to civil society initiatives on sustainable development.

To build solidarity among organizations across the country and build linkages between local organizations, National and International level organizations.
To harness the positive energy created through civil society initiatives and build a strong and inclusive platform to connect and support civil society activities on sustainable development at all levels (local, national, regional and global).
CAS2030 aims to engage with the sustainable development agenda and commits to collectively empower the marginalized and vulnerable persons to campaign against hunger, inequality and injustice

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